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1:00 PM ET
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LINE  ORL -139 ORL -136 ORL -142 ORL -140 ORL -140
SPREAD  ORL -2.5 ORL -2.5 ORL -2.5 ORL -2.5 ORL -2.5
    O/U  202.0 Pts 201.5 Pts 201.5 Pts 201.5 Pts 202.0 Pts
3:30 PM ET
Tickets Preview
LINE  OKC -121 OKC -118 OKC -125 OKC -120 OKC -120
SPREAD  OKC -1.5 OKC -1.5 OKC -1.5 OKC -1.5 OKC -1.5
    O/U  210.0 Pts 210.0 Pts 209.5 Pts 209.5 Pts 210.0 Pts
6:00 PM ET
Tickets Preview
LINE  BOS -433 BOS -430 BOS -440 BOS -450 BOS -425
SPREAD  BOS -9.5 BOS -9.5 BOS -9.0 BOS -9.5 BOS -9.5
    O/U  204.5 Pts 205.0 Pts 204.0 Pts 204.5 Pts 204.0 Pts
8:30 PM ET
Tickets Preview
LINE  DEN -168 DEN -172 DEN -162 DEN -175 DEN -175
SPREAD  DEN -3.5 DEN -3.5 DEN -3.5 DEN -3.5 DEN -4.0
    O/U  218.5 Pts 219.0 Pts 218.0 Pts 218.5 Pts 219.0 Pts
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Estimated Chance To Play
This is our best guess for players whose lineup status is in question. If a player doesn't have a color bar next to their position, that indicates that they're expected to play.
Very Unlikely
Toss Up
Very Likely
Beware the "late scratch"!
How We Set Our Daily NBA Lineups

Our staff sets the expected daily lineups 24-30 hours before tip-off. The expected lineups are then tweaked throughout the day of the game.

Lineups are only confirmed when an official NBA source provides that information.

Unfortunately, the NBA does not require that starting lineups be submitted before tipoff, which is why we are sometimes limited to waiting until a game tips off to accurately pass on who is starting for some games. Also, sometimes players are "scratched" at the very last minute.

If a player has a color bar next to his name, that reflects some level of uncertainty about whether he'll be active for the game. Most players have a color bar when dealing with an injury, but we will also add estimates if a player's status in doubt due to rest or other off-court issues.